To smart and intellectual visitors,
What could my sterile and uncouth brain beget, this web site would be very odd because I can not afford the time to create various web site for each theme.
By the way, when you say
to a Japanese high school student that you are very smart, a
great majority of students will think I am slim. That is,
"smart" in Japanese is a kind of so-called "Japanese
Though Japanese letters consists of three characters, (i.e. Kanji
symbols, Hiragana and Katakana), Katakana is basically used for
writing and speaking foreign words according to their sound. So mentioned
above matters will often happen.
When spring is in the air in Japan, I sincerely wish that this small window to Japan become small bridge for insurmountable and unfathomable chasm in your minds. Thank you for your visit.
4/02/2006 in Japan
Kazuo Ueda
Above JPG image is excellent handicrafts in Japan, Hakata dolls.